Thursday, December 09, 2004

[Mulawin] 12/9/2004 08:06:32 AM

I think I will take up for Asrai. I understand your feelings, Batmic. If my own favorites in a show got killed, I would be upset too. If Aviona is really dead, I would be unhappy too. But you're going too far blaming another Mulawin fan (who is also an avid fan of Aviona). If you're going to make personal attacks on other bloggers, I think your posts should be moderated.

Asrai does not have enough time to post to her blog channel everyday. That's why the INDIGO channel has not been updated yet. Second, comments are enabled in that blog, so there's no reason why you couldn't have posted there and voiced your opinions (in a polite way of course, that does not attack the blog editor). Third, the Quick Comment box is always there. Fourth, you can't force GMA 7 to read what it's in the Mulawin Network. As far as I know, it's only THIS blog that is official. I don't see any signs of the Network being official unless I miss something.

Anyway, if it's any sign of hope, consider that Lovers in Paris is now quickly becoming the talk of the town. GMA 7 staff aren't stupid. They know they need Aviona to keep the show afloat in the ratings game, and they should know how to play. So I'm still hoping and believing she'll be back. I think maybe they did this to inflame the emotions of fans on purpose because would be waiting and seeing if she comes back. You tell us to stop watching the show. HOW are we to know when she comes back then if we don't watch? Do you want to miss the scene when/if she DOES reappear?

With all due respect, Batmic, you can do what you want to do, and so can others. I respect your opinion. But don't go too far and start jumping on Asrai and other fans who haven't done anything wrong and who love the show just as much as you do. Mulawin fans have often been praised for their intelligence, good sense and good taste. So let’s not ruin that by bludgeoning one another to pieces over this.

If you want, try emailing GMA 7. They have an email address in the iGMA site. Just browse through and I think you'll find it.

P.S. Bianca King is featured in “Kapuso, Kapasko, Kapanalo.” That young talent is here to stay with GMA 7.

Posted by South Rock to Mulawin at 12/9/2004 08:06:32 AM


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