[Mulawin] 12/18/2004 07:17:44 AM
Thanks for that brilliant post. Actually, I realized the problem with the question as I was writing my replies. The thing is, how do we define "humanity"? I think ashley meant what we usually mean by Human: the softer emotions that are usually regarded as positive. But if we look at it as you do, then yes, Ravenum does show human qualities.
Also, it is misleading to call "human" qualities only those that are desirable. Even animals have those. It's funny hoow, when we see an animal showing compassion for others, we say: "How like a human!" And when we see a human being acting savagely, we say, "How like an animal!" when in truth, both humans AND animals have these positive and negative traits.
In truth, it seems that everyone in Mulawin and in real life are driven by one thing: the primal instinct of self-preservation. Anyway, I think the original question meant was whether Ravenum ever has touches of the "softer" side of humanity left in him... meaning, compassion for others.
Posted by South Rock to Mulawin at 12/18/2004 07:17:44 AM
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