Friday, December 17, 2004

[Mulawin] 12/17/2004 09:19:45 AM

Oh, hey. Bluedove, if Principe Raholyo is the prince that will return (according to the spoiler in the shout box), what if that is Aguiluz and his mother is really the queen of the Diwata (played by Gi Toengi)? What is that queen's name? Remember she introduced that prince to Alwina as her son. I also remember it was she who gave Dakila the Molave tree and Balasik. So it makes sense if she, Aguiluz/Raholyo's mother, is the spirit-guardian of the sacred Mulawin tree.

Just a thought.

Also, since Gabriel has been declared by Ravenum as "the true Emissary" ("ang tunay na Sugo"), he seems to be the Angel of the Ravena as we thought. Then that's why a voice is telling Vultra not to harm either him or Alwina. If Ravenum wants Gabriel persuaded to become, or forcefully converted into a Ravena, what would the queen do about it?

Posted by South Rock to Mulawin at 12/17/2004 09:19:45 AM


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