uhmm, is every body alright coz for a minute there i thiught i heard that there is a terong aviona pair up. oh wait there is????? ahhhhhhhhhhh, its better for the ravenas to just kill and end all things than aviona be paired up with terong. With all due respect to the mulawinhood of aviona please, pair her up with gabriel or linong just not to that..... human form of hidalgo????? ahhhhhhhhhh, anyway more power to mulawin and may i just ask is gabriel really the so called last hope of the ravenas, prodigy of ravenum, coz it fits the picture, or maybe its just my ugatpak..... tnx.....
Posted by vulcan raven 2 to Mulawin at 11/19/2004 02:57:37 PM
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